
In Oberstown we apply a care framework that guides all stages of a young person’s journey from their entry until they leave us. This framework is used in the development of individual placement plans for each person.

Our intake process represents a relationship building opportunity. The manner in which this is completed can assist in the promotion of a positive and collaborative relationship between our young people and staff. Following intake, we assess and identify each person’s specific needs. This enables us to put care measures in place to meet those identified needs, build positive relationships and ensure that planning includes family and significant people in their lives as well as appropriate outside agencies.

Each young person’s care needs are assessed in detail by our professional care team. This assessment identifies current, as well as emerging needs, both of which are central to the development and delivery of care to our young people. Care needs can be short, medium, or long-term and can differ from person to person depending on circumstances that existed prior to admission. Needs may include developmental needs as well as identity ones. Our care team understand the importance of acknowledging the young person’s voice in the delivery of our care services.

Care is provided by a professional, multi-disciplinary team with training and expertise in the range of care services our young people require. Their focus is on providing care and other programmes that will support the young person’s return to the community at the end of their time with us. Our focus at all times is to ensure that our young people are safe and that we are expert in the delivery of our care services to all.