Staff in the Oberstown campus look forward to working with the families of young people currently in our care. The information below should help you get the most from your visits to us.
Oberstown Children
Detention Campus,
Oberstown, Lusk,
Co. Dublin, K45 AY66.
Phone: + 353 1 852 6384 / 6388

Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday – 9am to 7pm

Follow the roundabout signs for Rush/Lusk. Stay on this road (marked R132).
Travel North for 3 miles until you come to ‘Murtaghs’ pub on right hand side.
Take first right turn after Murtaghs pub and follow on straight for approx 1 mile.
The Oberstown Campus is situated on the left hand side (Green Gates).

What are the visiting times?
Visits take place:
Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday – 9am – 7pm
Visits are 50 minutes long.
How do I book a visit?
Try and give as much notice as possible. At first, only parents/guardians and immediate family members are allowed. Requests for additional visitors will be considered at the young person’s next Placement Planning Meeting (PPM).
All adult visitors (over 18 years of age) must bring photo I.D. e.g. drivers’ licence or passport. Only people named on the booking form will be allowed into the visit.
What can I bring?
You can bring a sum of money, not to exceed €10, for the young person. On arrival, staff will place the sum of money in the young person’s money file.
You may bring clothes for the young person, subject to agreement in advance of the visit. Clothes must be given to staff in the Reception area. These will be placed in a locker during the visit, checked by staff when you leave, and given to the young person.
Do not bring any food/drink items to the visit – they are not allowed.
Do not bring cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, drugs or medicines to the visit as these items are banned from the campus. Any attempt to pass these items to a young person may result in prosecution.
Do not bring phones or cameras into the visit.
What do I do when I arrive?
Park your car in the visitors’ car park. Walk through the green gate and go to main front door of the reception building. Give your name and ID to the reception staff. You will be issued with a Visitors Pass. You will then be greeted by a member of the Visiting Staff and brought to the waiting area where you will be asked to place all your belongings in a secure locker.
When visiting Oberstown, you will be required to pass the security screening.
Please note, the onus is on the visitor to pass all aspects of this screening process.
In order to assist with the screening process:
Please be mindful of the clothing you wear. Clothing with high volume of metal is likely to activate the walk through metal detector and this may in turn, lead to restrictions on the type of visit offered or even cancellation of the visit.
Is there anything else I should be aware of?
Visits may be screened, fully supervised or partly supervised if there are any concerns arising from past visits. This may also be the case if there was an attempt during a past visit to pass a prohibited or banned article or substance to the young person, or if there was unacceptable behaviour. This decision is at the discretion of the campus manager/director.
Under what circumstances will my visit be stopped?
Your visit will be stopped immediately if your behaviour or the behaviour of the young person you are visiting is a cause for concern or not acceptable. You will not be allowed to resume visits until you meet with a unit manager.
If you have any questions not answered here, please contact us.