News & Media

‘Oberstown featured on RTE Morning Ireland’

Oberstown Deputy Director (Care Services) Lena Timoney was interviewed on Morning Ireland on Thursday morning, 14th June, about research into Key Characteristics of young people in detention in 2018, and previewed the stakeholder event on mental health and substance...

Oberstown hosting June 14 event on mental health and substance misuse

On June 14, 2018, Oberstown is hosting an event to explore how we can better support young people in the areas of mental health and substance misuse in collaboration with community stakeholders and services. The event will be chaired by Professor Ursula Kilkelly,...

Booklet ‘very true’ to voice of young people in Oberstown

A youth-friendly information booklet for young people produced by Oberstown has been warmly welcomed by the Oberstown Board of Management, staff on the ground –and indeed young people themselves. With young people’s views sprinkled throughout, the booklet gives...

Oberstown Art Gallery

Young people in Oberstown take part in a wide range of creative arts in school and during their after-school activities. Here’s a selection of some recent...

Positive results of parent mentoring programme highlighted

An article in the Irish Times of January 23 delved into Le Cheile’s mentoring programme for young offenders and their parents. The article highlights how difficult it is for the parents and families of young offenders, and how a unique volunteer service works to...

Trauma and social media highlighted in UK report on young offenders

A UK Probation report looking at the work of Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) in the UK found that social media is being used to both incite and plan crimes. The report, published at the end of last year, also found that most young people who commit serious crimes have...