Campus Statistics

Occupancy Statistics

In the interests of transparency, Oberstown is making public monthly statistics in respect of young people on campus. The stats will capture the number of young people on campus, their age and their status, i.e. remand or committal. The reports will be of interest to stakeholders, researchers and anyone with an interest in the youth justice sector.

Single separation

Oberstown is publishing this data as part of its broader commitment to inform and educate key stakeholders and the public on behaviour management on the campus. Single separation is a behaviour management tool whereby a young person is moved out of their peer group on campus for a period of time due to concerns relating to their behaviour, where they may pose a risk to the safety of other young people or staff, or to their own safety. Single separation is one of a suite of measures to manage challenging behaviour, and to assist young people to move on from their offending behaviour. Oberstown continues to improve record-keeping, monitoring and use of single separation in line with national and campus policy.

January – March 2019               April – June 2019       July – September 2019                    October – December 2019

January – March 2020              April – June 2020        July – September 2020                  October – December 2020

January – March 2021              April – June 2021        July – September 2021                  October – December 2021

January – March 2022              April – June 2022         July – September 2022                 October – December 2022

January – March 2023              April – June 2023        July- September 2023                   October – December 2023

January – March 2024              April – June 2024

Physical intervention and self-harm

Key Characteristics of Young People in Detention

Oberstown published three Q1 snapshots, one each for the years 2017-2019, of Key Characteristics of Young People in Detention. These overviews offer an insight into the population of young people in detention in Ireland. The research aims to promote a better understanding of the challenges faced by young people in conflict with the law, and to inform services and interventions to assist such young people. As well as offering insights into offending and sentencing, the data highlights the level of adversity and trauma young people have experienced, including neglect and abuse, high levels of substance misuse and disengagement from the education system. 

Q1 2017 data report & factsheet

Q1 2018 data report & factsheet

Q1 2019 data reportfactsheet