External partners

TUSLA www.tusla.ie
On the 1st of January 2014 the Child and Family Agency became an independent legal entity, comprising HSE Children & Family Services, Family Support Agency and the National Educational Welfare Board as well as incorporating some psychological services and a range of services responding to domestic, sexual and gender based violence.

The Probation Serivce www.probation.ie
The Probation Service is an agency within the Department of Justice and Equality. We play an important role in helping to reduce the level of crime and to increase public safety by working with offenders to help change their behaviour and make good the harm done by crime. We are the lead agency in the assessment and management of offenders in our community.

Le Chéile www.lecheile.ie
Le Chéile (pronounced Le Kay-La) was established in 2005 to provide a Mentoring service to children and young people aged between 12-18 years engaged in Young Persons Probation. It was set up to meet the needs of the Mentor (Family support) Order under the requirements of the Children Act 2001.

Youth Advocate Programmes (YAP) Ireland www.yapireland.ie
The YAP Model is a unique way of providing intensive, focused support to children, young people and families with a range of needs. The YAP model is based upon the development of a trust relationship between a supportive, trained and skilled adult advocate, the young person and their family.

EPIC www.epiconline.ie
EPIC is an independent association that works throughout the Republic of Ireland, with and for children and young people who are currently living in care or who have had an experience of living in care. This includes those in residential care, foster care, hostel, high support & special care. EPIC also works with young people preparing to leave care and in aftercare.