Koulla Yiasouma - Chair
Koulla Yiasouma was appointed Chair of the Board of Management on 1 June 2023 by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, TD.
Koulla is a qualified social worker. She established the first 24-hour telephone helpline for women who were experiencing domestic abuse before she joined Include Youth in 1998 as their first Director (Chief Executive). The organisation supports young people who were care experienced and/or had been involved in the criminal justice system to improve their employability through work experience, training and education. They are also the primary policy and advocacy NGO in Northern Ireland for young people in the criminal justice system.
She was the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People and her eight-year term ended in March 2023. The Commissioner is the independent children’s rights institution and is required, by legislation, to safeguard the rights of children and young people, monitoring and advising every aspect of government.
She has also been awarded the role of Honorary Professor of Practice by Queens University Belfast and will be working closely with the Centre for Children’s Rights in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work.
Koulla is Greek Cypriot and was born and lived in London until 1994 when she moved to Northern Ireland, where she still lives. She is married with two adult daughters.

Brian Arnold
Brian Arnold, appointed 21 July 2021, is a local community representative resident in the vicinity of the Oberstown campus. He was appointed by the Minister on foot of the requirements of section 167 of the Children Act 2001. Brian is a management consultant with over 30 years’ experience working in both the public and private sectors. He is Chairperson and a director of Lusk Community Council CLG.

Bernadette Costello
Bernadette Costello was appointed 4 July 2019 by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, following selection through the PAS process. She is a former Director of Internal Audit & Risk Management, National University of Ireland, Galway. Bernadette has extensive experience in financial and management accounting, corporate governance and related areas.
She has served on the Council of Chartered Accountants Ireland, and past Chair of Chartered Accountants Ireland Audit Committee and Chair of the Board of Accounting Technicians Ireland. Bernadette is a Chartered Director, a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Higher Diploma in Education from National University of Ireland, Galway

Elizabeth Davey
Elizabeth Davey was appointed on 18 July 2022 by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth following selection through the PAS process. Elizabeth was called to the Bar in 2006. She is a practising barrister who specialises in criminal, administrative, mental health and investigative law. She has a Masters in Criminology and a particular interest in youth justice.

Jennifer Gargan
Jennifer is currently a member of the Board of the Irish Family Planning Association and Barnardos Audit and Risk Committee.
Jennifer was appointed to the Board of Management on 4th July 2019 by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.

John McDaid
John McDaid was appointed on 4 July 2019 by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, following selection through the PAS process. John is a former Chief Executive of the Legal Aid Board having previously worked for the Board as a solicitor and also having worked in private legal practice. He holds a Masters of Science in Business Practice.

Úna Ní Dhubhghaill
Úna Ní Dhubhghaill is a Principal Officer in the Children Detention Schools Unit, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).

Liz O'Neill
Liz O’Neill was appointed 20 July 2022 by the Minister on foot of the requirements of section 167 of the Children Act 2001. She is the Department of Education representative on the Board and a school inspector with 15 years’ experience of carrying out evaluations in a range of learning settings, including post-primary schools, special schools, special care units, and Oberstown School. More recently, her work has involved supporting the Office of the Inspector of Prisons in conducting evaluations of education, work and training in prison settings. Liz is currently assigned to the inspectorate’s inclusion unit where she provides policy support and advice, in relation to a range of inclusion areas, to the wider Department.

William O'Rourke
William O’Rourke was appointed on 23 March 2023 by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth on foot of the requirements of section 167 of the Children Act 2001. He is the Tusla representative on the Board.

Martin Quigley
Martin Quigley was appointed on the 18 July 2022 by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, following selection through the PAS process. Martin is the Director of Data & Analytics with Pobal, where he has responsibility for reporting, analytics and using data to support evidence-based social inclusion programme delivery and policy making. Martin is a qualified social care worker, having previously spent several years working with young people experiencing homelessness in Dublin city. He has an M.A. in criminology and has published a number of academic papers in the field of prisoner re-integration. Martin is also a member of Ireland’s Open Data Governance Board with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

Fergal Reynolds
Fergal Reynolds, appointed 1 July 2023, is a Residential Social Care Worker on the Oberstown campus. He is an elected staff nominee, appointed by the Minister on foot of the requirements of section 167 of the Children Act 2001.

Emma Shanahan
Emma Shanahan, appointed 1 July 2023, is a Unit Manager on the Oberstown campus. She is an elected staff nominee, appointed by the Minister on foot of the requirements of section 167 of the Children Act 2001.

Dymphna Sherry
Dymphna Sherry, appointed 18 July 2022, is a local community representative resident in the vicinity of the Oberstown campus. She was appointed by the Minister on foot of the requirements of section 167 of the Children Act 2001.
Oberstown Children Detention Campus is governed by a Board of Management appointed by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth under the Children Act 2001, as amended (s. 164). Under the Act (s. 167), the Board has 12 members plus a Chairperson and the membership includes: representatives of the Minister’s Department, the Department of Education and Skills and Túsla; two representatives from the local community and two staff members, with five members identified via the State Boards appointment process. Members are appointed for a term, renewable, of up to four years. The Board’s authority is set out in the 2001 Act (primarily ss. 165 and 167) which provides that it has such powers as are necessary or expedient for the exercise of its functions.
The Oberstown Governance Handbook sets out the respective functions, authority and responsibilities of the Minister, the Board of Management and the Director. The Code of Conduct for Board Members sets out and amplifies the duties of all members of the Board and Board Committees.
The new Board of Management of Oberstown was appointed by Minister Dr Katherine Zappone, TD on 1 June 2019 under the Children Act 2001.
The Minister appointed Koulla Yiasouma to the position of Chairperson of the Oberstown Board on 1 June 2023 for a period of four years.
The Minister has also appointed other members to the Board as follows:
Name | Appointment | Term |
Brian Arnold | Ministerial (Community Representative) | 3 years |
Bernadette Costello | PAS | 3 years |
Elizabeth Davey | PAS | 4 years |
Jennifer Gargan | PAS | 3 years |
John McDaid | PAS | 2 years |
Úna Ní Dhubhghaill | Ministerial (DCEDIY nominee) | 4 years |
Liz O’Neill | Ministerial (Department of Education) | 3 years |
William O’Rourke | Ministerial (Tusla nominee) | 4 years |
Martin Quigley | PAS | 4 years |
Fergal Reynolds | Staff member | 2 years |
Emma Shanahan | Staff member | 2 years |
Dymphna Sherry | Ministerial (Community Representative) | 3 years |