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The Oberstown Annual Report 2023 provides an overview of the operation of the Campus in 2023, outlining the activities and achievements of the staff and young people.

Highlights include:

  • Continued growth of Oberstown skills training programmes, including initiatives focused on providing young people with practical skills to increase their prospects of employment in the future.
  • 30 young people achieved a certificate in Fitness Instruction, 20 young people completed a course in manual handling, 12 qualified for a Safe Pass certificate and 24 received training as Baristas.
  • There were 16 different programmes delivered across 2023 covering a wide range of topics including offending behaviour, relationships, life skills, and relapse prevention among others.
  • A total of 20 Gaisce awards were achieved by young people during the year and 4 work placements were secured over 2023.
  • 2023 was the first full year for the implementation of the Oberstown Strategy 2022 – 2026. Across the year the Director, senior management team and staff worked to progress the priorities in the plan with a number of goals undertaken and completed.
  • Visits from international organisations, including the Netherlands Helsinki Committee/Youth Perspectives (YOPE), along with the MOSAIC Penal Reform International project which monitors the safety of children in detention across the EU. These visits validated the view that Oberstown’s rights-based participative approach compares favourably to international best practice.
  • Special education and skills projects funded by the Dormant Accounts Fund. These included:
    • A careers guidance project helping young people in Oberstown to explore skills and interests and link these to education, training and employment opportunities.
    • Participation in the 2023 Bloom Project and the creation of the Rise garden, a project which helped foster important life skills for the young people involved. The garden won a silver gilt award at Bord Bia Bloom 2023.
    • The establishment of an on-campus coffee van business operated partly by young people at Oberstown under the supervision of qualified catering staff, which provides young people with on-campus education, skills development and work experience.

The full report is available to read and download in pdf format here.

Read the press release here.