01 August 19: Oberstown Children Detention Campus, this week, held a special awards ceremony to present seven young people with Bronze and Silver Gaisce – The President’s Awards.

Young people at Oberstown display their Bronze and Silver Gaisce Awards during a ceremony on campus
The seven recipients successfully completed their Gaisce challenges over the past 12 months in each of the four categories of community involvement, personal skill, physical recreation and adventure journey, earning valuable and practical life skills which they will carry with them when they leave Oberstown.
Director of Oberstown Pat Bergin commented: “These awards are a real testament to each of the seven young people who received them on campus today. The awards illustrate how despite often coming from difficult backgrounds young people can achieve so much when they are provided with a safe and secure environment and the supports to flourish. The aim of Gaisce is to support young people in fulfilling their potential and that reflects our commitment at Oberstown to help young people to return to their communities and make a positive contribution.”
Deputy Director of Oberstown, Damien Hernon said: “We are so proud of the young people receiving their Gaisce awards today and the staff who guided them on their journey. Participating in the awards and other programmes in Oberstown give young people the best possible chance to move on with their lives in a positive way after they leave the Campus. Despite their detention, young people in Oberstown can, and want to, contribute to the wider community by availing of the opportunities on offer, through programmes such as Gaisce. We are thrilled for the young people and the recognition of their great work.”
The activities the young people have engaged in include:
- Raising funds for local charities through on-site fun runs, and participation in the Oberstown Meals on Wheels programme serving members of the local community from the campus kitchens;
- The Street Doctors programme – a first aid course tailored to the lives of young people in Oberstown which addresses situations they may potentially encounter in their communities;
- Participation in the Oberstown Campus Council – a forum of young people, staff and management which allows young people to have their voice heard and to contribute to decision making on campus ensuring the views of young people are taken into account at all levels;
- An art and design project to paint a large mural in one of the visitor rooms in Oberstown reflecting the United Nations convention on the rights of the child;
- Football coaching, digital music production;
- Barista training in partnership with Java Republic;
- The National Elite Fitness Professional Certificate in Fitness Instruction, accredited by The European Health & Fitness Association;
- Culinary and baking skills;
- Textiles, Pottery, Mindfulness and reflexology.